Success Story

How AvantaGuard increased their sales by 289% in 2020 using PCRS

Our sales doubled in our first year with PCRS.

Matt Fehr – President, AvantaGuard

Meet AvantaGuard


F&I Automotive


Langley British Columbia, Canada

Year Founded:


AvantaGuard is an administrator of vehicle protection and warranty products. With a wide range of programs designed specifically for their customers’ needs, AvantaGuard services both independent and franchised dealers along with major insurers of the automotive industry.


AvantaGuard was held back by the lack of menu and DMS interconnectivity with their homegrown system


By implementing PCRS, AvantaGuard joined a network of 140+ integration partners connected to our system


AvantaGuard can now compete with larger administrators by providing the same level of streamlined administration and claims support to customers

The Full Story

1. What areas of your business has PCRS helped improve?

We’ve now branched our warranty program up to two programs. We’ve got a premium warranty program, which we just recently implemented, that has 15 eligibility tiers and 8 Google classes for our franchise stores, and then we’ve got our limited warranty program, which is a lot simpler but of course there are claim limits and other components to that as well.

It has helped us add more programs without always needing to be worried whether or not our system can support it. We know the system will support it so we can just focus on developing good programs, and that’s helped us grow for sure.

2. Have you experienced any issues using PCRS?

We haven’t had any issues. Things have continued to improve and get better, but ultimately the system for us – usability wise – we haven’t had any issues where there have been problems with dealers or problems with agents or products. It’s been very straightforward and simple.

3. Do you feel like in the past year since switching to PCRS you’ve been able to attract more agents and dealers because of your additional capabilities?

Absolutely. One of our biggest marketing points right now, for example, is the online claims submission. We are looking at the self-authorization as well especially for smaller routine claims, and that’s something that a lot of dealers are interested in.

Having a really good system as well as having all of our products in one place within PCRS as opposed to multiple systems has really helped us. When we have people focusing on one of our programs, they’ll agree to start using another one just because everything is in one place.

4. Do you think PCRS functionalities that help facilitate online shopping would be beneficial to your customers?

Yes, we have been looking into that. Capabilities that help enable our customers to shop from home do help attract more business, especially if we’re trying to get a second or a third product in the store, the dealer principles been hearing good things from the service department, and they’re impressed and happy with the online system. The self-authorization definitely works in our favor.

5. What other pivot areas have you seen with Covid?

Claims is a big one. There are a lot of competitors, one in particular, that have completely closed down their phone sector, so all claims have to be done by email. Dealers have been having a more difficult time submitting claims, so with PCRS we’re now able to come in and make things that much easier, which is a big advantage to us.

And then of course there are the online sales. I think more dealers are looking into using the menu programs and we’ve gotten more requests for integrations. The great thing is when we look at the list of menus PCRS is already integrated with, it certainly takes a lot of the stress away from us knowing that we’re able to have that capability instead of doing all this work to integrate with all of these different sales tools.

6. Have you had any issues with PCRS working on different browsers?

No, it doesn’t seem to matter which browser is used. I use Safari on my personal computer because I have a Mac, and at my computer at the office I have a PC where I use Google Chrome, and there’s never been an issue. I frequently look up information on my iPhone as well so it’s pretty much easy to use across the board.

Since PCRS is already integrated with so many menus, it eliminated a lot of stress for us. We gained those capabilities without doing development work to integrate with all the sales tools dealerships needed to use.

Matt Fehr – President, AvantaGuard