H ome warranty providers have unique business complexities, which means they require technology that can be flexible and customized to fit their needs to support the entire Home Warranty Lifecycle.
Through our administration software, PCRS, we make Home Warranty management simple. Our solution automates the service contract lifecycle from policy inception to claim fulfillment in one single portal. Keep reading to see how our PCRS technology can benefit your organization.
Benefits of Utilizing PCRS
Through the PCRS Consumer Portal, Warranty Administrators, claims operation teams, servicer vendor teams, servicers, and dealers can manage warranties to the fullest extent.
Since managing home warranties can be a challenge for providers, PCRS was designed to be able to customize user portals to fit your businesses unique processes. In addition, our technology is constantly evolving to anticipate the needs of all users.
Overall, PCRS is a complete end-to-end solution for policy and claims administration, service network dispatch, risk management, and analytics & reporting.
Home Warranty Capabilities
Home Warranty capabilities through PCRS are extensive and help simplify the entire management process for a seamless transaction. See below for a list of features and capabilities provided through our administration software.
- Accepts thousands of residential policies
- Create new warranty products and market within days
- Bundle multiple covered products
- Offer flexible term-based plans
- Sophisticated rating engine
- Optional & included coverages using surcharge capabilities
- Integrate with third party solutions with PCRS API suite
And these are just our main capabilities! Overall, our software delivers exceptional service, and generates long-term contract renewals from a satisfied customer base.

Add-On Features
To better streamline the Home Warranty management process, PCRS offers a handful of add-on features users can implement. Take a look below for more information on our add-ons.
Notification Center - Notify customers, servicers, dealers, and insurers with advanced features such as Notification Center which allows you to email and text using predefined communication templates and rules-based messaging.
Customer Portal - Provides a front end for customers who wish to view their policy, create a claim, as well find quotes for other offers.
Servicer Portal - Provides a means for a servicer to access PCRS in a restricted manner where they can update their profile, view their claims, add expenses to their assigned service orders, as well as obtain administrator feedback on requests.
Business Intelligence Dashboard - Operate efficiently by utilizing PCRS BI solutions which are visual dashboards that provide PowerBI based analytics related to Sales and Claims.
Looking for a Home Warranty software provider? Learn more about how PCRS can benefit your organization.