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Happy Birthday to PCRS!
PCMI Culture

Happy Birthday to PCRS!

Happy Birthday to PCRS! In November, PCMI celebrated the 5 Year Anniversary of our software system! To honor this successful milestone, the PCMI Chicago team had a celebratory dinner on…
December 1, 2016
PCMI Poland company outing: Biking, Go Karts & Dinner
PCMI Culture

PCMI Poland Team Outing

Last month, the PCMI Poland team had the opportunity to gather outside of work and spend some quality time together while COO – Greg Kasprzycki was in town visiting their…
October 6, 2016
Mark Nagelvoort Speaks at Property Casualty Insurers’ (PCI) Service Contract Reimbursement Committee Meeting
Industry Insights

Mark Nagelvoort Speaks at PCI

On Thursday, July 14, 2016, PCMI President & CEO – Mark Nagelvoort, was a guest speaker at Property Casualty Insurers’ (PCI) Service Contract Reimbursement Committee Meeting.  Mark was delighted to…
July 21, 2016